
Wenlock CE Academy With God’s love, we are lights for the world

Year 6 SATs Revision

Year 6 SATs Revision


At the end of their journey with us, the children in Year 6 are required to sit their End of Key Stage 2 SATS tests in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. These tests occur during a week in May, set by the government. 


The SATS tests are a series of questions in the various subjects that assess the children's progress throughout their time in Key Stage 2, covering topics taught in Years 3, 4, 5, and 6. During their time in Year 6, we spend the time revising their key learning from their time in Key Stage 2, consolidating their understanding of key concepts and covering any new areas for learning that they need. 


We run Mock SATS weeks throughout the year as part of our ongoing assessment. This enables the children to experience what it is like to sit the various papers, exposes the children to the variety of question types they can be asked and gets them used to completing the tests in the time periods given. 


During SATS week, we will hold a breakfast club each morning for our Year 6 pupils. This offers children a range of hot and cold breakfasts and allows them the opportunity to come into school and relax with their peers before the tests each day. They can also use this time to ask their teachers any questions that they may have. 


Listed below are many useful resources for preparation for the Year 6 SATs. Some of the files require PowerPoint, and some of them are in PDF form. Children also have access to Lexia, Timetables Rockstars and Spelling Shed. 
