
Wenlock CE Academy With God’s love, we are lights for the world

Homework and Spellings

Homework Expectations 


Wenlock  CE Academy is a vibrant, enthusiastic, forward-thinking and safe learning environment where pupils are given every opportunity to complete a fulfilling education. We believe that homework plays an important part in education, and the benefit of doing homework must be instilled at an early age to achieve independent study.  Homework is a non-negotiable part of life at Team Wenlock and prepares our children further for the next stage in their education journey to Key Stage 3. The children are provided plenty of time to complete the tasks and seek assistance and guidance from their teachers or staff in school if they require it.


We also know that pupils have opportunities and experiences outside of school that are equally important in developing and enriching their lives. We carefully consider the homework set so that it is well-balanced across the school year groups.



• Develop a consistent approach to homework throughout the school.

• Make sure that teaching staff, parents/carers and pupils are aware of their responsibilities with regard to homework.

• Ensure that parents/carers understand what is expected of their child.

• Encourage pupils to develop the responsibility and self-discipline required for independent study.

• Embed knowledge and support pupils’ learning experiences via revision and reinforcement.

• Work with parents/carers and involve them in their child’s learning and to keep them informed about the work their child is undertaking.

• Use homework as a tool for raising standards of attainment.

• Extend learning beyond the classroom.

• Give pupils further practice and a deeper understanding of skills, knowledge and concepts learned during the school day.


Failure to Complete Homework

All pupils are expected to complete homework on time. Teachers keep records of pupils completing homework. If pupils fail to complete homework, teachers send a letter home to parents/carers. Pupils who have not completed homework will be required to complete the work during breaks or lunchtimes. A parent-teacher meeting will be arranged if this is a regular occurrence to see how the school can support further.


Pupils with SEND

A balanced approach to homework will be adopted for pupils with SEND, in consultation with the pupil’s parents/carers and the SENDco. The school recognises that pupils with SEND may require specific tasks to be set, as outlined in their Education, Health or Care Plan (EHCP) or IEP. While pupils with SEND may benefit from adapted tasks separate from the homework received by other pupils, it is important that they also complete as much standard homework as possible. 


Homework grids and links to school websites (Lexia, Timestables Rockstars, Spelling Shed) can be found on your child's class page. 


