What is a School Council?
The school council endeavours to give the children at Wenlock CE Academy a ‘voice’. They can share their opinions and ideas on things that matter to them. All children will be involved by contributing their suggestions. All children should feel empowered to share their ideas and suggestions with staff and the school council is one mechanism for our pupils to have courageous advocacy for the issues they feel passionate about.
Who can be a councillor?
Any child from any year group can become a school councillor. If a child is interested in becoming a councillor, they write a candidate speech that they present to their class in July for Years 4, 5 and 6 and in October for Y3. Depending on their speech and their ideas, the other pupils in the class vote for the councillor that they feel will represent them most at the meetings. A child from each class is then selected so we have 12 councillors in total.
The benefits of a School Council
We aim to allow our children to become more independent and responsible to be advocates of change for the issues that matter to them. They can play an active role in the life of the school, and their ideas and views will contribute to changes that occur at their school. The children will benefit greatly in all aspects of their personal and social development.
Our Mission Statement
This year’s mission statement was written by our councillors and we aim to ensure that we follow this throughout the year.
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