
Wenlock CE Academy With God’s love, we are lights for the world

Online Safety

Our Online Safety policy reflects the importance of using information systems and electronic communication safely. Our aim is to keep our children safe online and also when using mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. We feel it is important to educate our children on the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using information technology.


Safety advice for pupils


IT is a wonderful tool to help you learn but we must all be aware of how to remain safe whilst online. The following points below are an important guide to keeping you safe when online.


• School devices are only to be used for schoolwork and homework.

• Teachers or other adults are there to help if a pupil does not know what to do or if a pupil feels like they have done something wrong.

• No IT equipment from outside of school is to be brought into school.

• Pupils will only access the internet, attachments/downloads, websites and emails when designated by the class teacher.

• No personal information will be shared online, ether written or photographic.

• Any upsetting content must be reported to a teacher as soon as possible.

• Pupils will know that they can talk to a teacher about anything online that worries them.


Safety advice for parents


It is of paramount importance that parents are aware of what access their children have online. It is advised that parents follow age restriction guidelines for apps, games and social media. 


Children will make parents very aware of peer pressure but it it is so important that parents create their family rules that enable them to keep their own child safe. Please see below useful links to support parents in their child's online world to keep them safe.


Links to helpful websites:

If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website:

  • CEOPHelpful links to look at with your family

Useful guides to online safety
