Key Information - Policies and Procedures
School policies and procedures cover every aspect of school life all are rooted in our school vision.
Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. Please ask the school office if you want to know our policy or procedure on something that is not listed.
Following admission to the Diocese of St Albans Multi-Academy Trust (DSAMAT), Wenlock CE Academy will continue to use its existing policies and procedures, which will be updated as required until they are replaced by DSAMAT shared policies.
If you would like a hard copy of any of the policies listed, please ask the school office, and they will print one for you. Please allow at least 3 working days to get this organised for you.
The Local Authority (LBC) are responsible for the admissions for the school. For a full overview of admissions and admissions policies, please visit our admissions page.
For more information about SEND please see the SEND page.