
Wenlock CE Academy With God’s love, we are lights for the world

The Lighthouse Provision


The Lighthouse Provision is based at Wenlock CE Academy and provides support for the nine schools in the East Area section of Luton, from Reception to Year 6.


Pupils who attend the provision have various needs and are referred to us by their base school. They attend either on a full or part-time basis, and length of stay depends on the needs of the child.


The provision is staffed by a Provision Lead and Behaviour Support Assistants. A clinical psychologist contact works with the pupils and their families across the East Area. We have the capacity for 6 full-time pupils or the equivalent.


We offer a range of services, including Outreach, which supports and advises within schools; We also offer Inreach, where pupils are brought into the Lighthouse from their base school. We also have a range of interventions to develop social and emotional skills.


Whilst at the provision, the children follow a personalised curriculum designed to meet their individual needs. They study the core subjects of Maths and English, but activities are often hands-on and practical. Pupils are set targets to help them manage their behaviour and receive rewards. We aim to offer a range of experiences through our rewards, allowing pupils to experience activities that they may not otherwise have access to, such as climbing, caving and golf.


In addition, pupils are offered various other opportunities such as Art, Cookery, P.E., Social Skills and gardening.


There is great emphasis placed upon building self-esteem, resilience, and teamwork, as we feel these are essential to pupils being successful learners in a mainstream classroom. The aim is for all children to return to learning at their base school with the skills and knowledge to manage situations that previously could have been challenging. 

