A menu is published weekly on the noticeboard outside the school. The cost of a school meal is £2.40 per day, £12.00 per week. Dinner money is payable via Arbor, please call into the school office if you require any assistance with this.
Please find below some suggestions of what a Parent/Carer could provide for their child's packed lunch:
Sandwiches, wraps or filled rolls
Pasta or a rice dish
Cheese flan or sausage roll
Salads or vegetable crudités
Yoghurt, cake or cereal bar
Fresh fruit
A drink of water or milk is available at no charge
No sweets or chocolate
No fizzy drinks
Did you know that your child could qualify for free school meals? That means delicious healthy meals for your children, saving you time and up to £300 per year!
To qualify you must receive one of the following:
Our school will receive extra funding called the pupil premium.
For every child registered for a free school meal, the school will receive money to spend on extra resources. Currently all children who claim free school meals have school trips subsidised.
For more information don't delay! Please speak with Justine Warren (Family worker) at Wenlock Junior School or call 730624.