At Wenlock, our families are important to us, and we want you to be happy and flourishing. We understand, however, that difficulties can come to all of us at some point or another, and if this should happen, then we want to do all we can to help you and your children learn and achieve their full potential.
Working in partnership with the school, we are here to support you with any issues/difficulties you may face. If you have anything that you need help with, whether it be housing, debt, benefits, behaviour management, parent-child relationship difficulties or even help completing forms, then please just come to see us.
Wenlock is fortunate enough to have a purpose-built family room, which is a friendly and warm space and easily accessible to parents and carers at the front of the school. Parents and carers are always welcome to 'pop in'; no appointment is needed. The family room door is always open whether it is help you need or just a friendly chat; you are welcome anytime! We want to support you so in turn you can support your children to live our school vision:
‘With God’s love, we are lights for the world’
With God’s love in our hearts, we are eager to reach our goals and stretch our limitless imaginations to build our futures and create aspiring leaders. Everyone is welcomed and respected for their unique contributions as we flourish and grow. Our Christian values help us to keep safe, go above and beyond to build the foundations that shape our school.
Well being
Support can be carried out in many ways, from one-to-one work to group information sessions. Signposting to outside agencies can also be a part of the support process and ensures that you receive the specialist support you may need.
Supporting your Child
Mental Health Charities
CAMHs offer support for a child's Mental Health.
Referrals can be made by GPs, healthcare professionals, schools and colleges.
We also have a CAMHs worker who comes into the school and works with small groups of children whom we identify.
If you need to discuss your child and their Mental Health please pop in.
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service supporting Children, Young People and their families, with other services specifically supporting adults; Babyloss Bereavement Service and Bedfordshire Suicide Bereavement Service.
Referrals can be made by GPs, healthcare professionals, schools and colleges. You can also make a self-refer.
Main Office:
Wrest Park Enterprise Centre, Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedfordshire, MK45 4HS.
Phone: 01525 863924
Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm
Other Support
Online Safety
NSPCC can support with many subjects that Parents need support with
The link to Online Safety is below
Parent Support
We are a school that can support parents with food bank vouchers. Please pop in and a referral can be made. There are many outlets over Luton so we can discuss where you would like to collect from.
Level trust
Level trust works in partnership with the local schools and nurseries to ensure that your children have the best opportunities when they start school to start learning positively.
They will support those in need and offer a uniform exchange and learning resources for learning. We can ask for shoe vouchers for families in need.
LutonKind-Kids (The Courtney Foundation)
Lutonkind-Kids is a free resource for children of all ages who are living in poverty in Luton. We want all children to thrive and, with high levels of child poverty in the town, we try to help as many as we can with good quality donated items. This charity provide clothes, shoes, book,toys and equipment. For a free bundle of clothes please speak to the school family team for a referral.
Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid in Luton provides safe, secure, confidential accommodation for women and children escaping domestic abuse.
Helpline – 01582 391856 (10am – 5pm Monday to Friday)
Head Office – 01582 876636 (10am – 5pm Monday to Friday)
Head Office
By Post
32 – 42 Duke Street
Email –
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones (Luton) is a charity dedicated to empowering women who have suffered domestic abuse or are vulnerable due to substance misuse by providing hope and the skills and resources to make positive life choices.
Postal Address
9A George Street West
LU1 2 BJ
Stepping Stones is located in Luton Town Centre, close to the Mall. It is within walking distance of the train station. Although we do not have our own parking, we are close to the town centre car parks.
We are open between 9-5 Monday to Friday.
Our team can be contacted on 01582 457114.
Or you can email us at
Adult Learning
Luton Adult Learning has many long-standing partnerships with schools and nurseries across Luton delivering family learning and training teaching assistants and childcare practitioners.
They deliver course to support parenting issues and other opportunities to gain qualifation in subjects such as Maths and English.
Please talk to us if you are interested in any courses.
The Gingerbread Advice Service provides support and expert advice on any aspect of single parenting, from dealing with a break-up or bereavement to going back to work or sorting out child maintenance, benefit or Universal Credit issues. Our expert advisers provide tailored advice and can talk you through your options.
Helpline 0808 802 0925
LGBTQ Parents
Rainbow Project
Support related to LGBT people and their families including support for same-sex parented families.
Our office opening hours are 10:00-17:00 Monday to Friday. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Other Useful Contacts
Luton Police Station 01582 401212
Emergency Duty Team SSD 01582 434071
Housing Out of Hours 01582 720703
Samaritans 01582 720666