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Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement

This agreement outlines the commitments from school, pupils and families to ensure an effective and supportive partnership.

The School - We will:

  • encourage the children to do their best at all times
  • encourage children to care for others and their surroundings
  • inform parents of their child's progress
  • inform parents about what the teachers aim to teach the children
  • endeavour to provide a safe, secure and happy learning environment for all pupils
  • inform parents of future school-based events

The Family - We will:

  • make sure their child arrives on time - from 8.30am
  • make sure their child attends regularly and provide a note of explanation if their child is absent
  • Uphold our behaviour rules: Be Eager, Respectful and Safe
  • attend Open Evenings, Parent Consultation meetings and Open Days whenever possible
  • support the life of the school whenever possible, for example, by attending class assemblies
  • make sure their child has appropriate equipment, clothing, uniform and P.E. kit
  • encourage regular time for homework

The child - I shall try to:

  • Arrive to school every day and on time
  • Follow our school rules; Be Eager, Respectful and Safe
  • follow the school code of conduct
  • take responsibility for my own behaviour
  • treat others with courtesy, consideration and kindness
  • do all my classwork and homework as well as I can

Together - we will:

  • work on any special needs
  • encourage the children to keep the school rules
  • support each child's learning to help them achieve their full potential.


The Family & pupil - We will complete homework each week;

Each week your child will be set:  

  • Daily reading
  • Daily Times Tables Rockstars
  • Spelling practice using Spelling Shed
  • Regular Lexia practice
  • Pick and Mix Grid

Spellings: It is expected that by the end of year 4, all the Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 statutory spelling words are spelt correctly.  Also, at the end of year 6, the Year 5/6 spellings are known too. Please practise these and use these words in your writing. Remember to use some of our spelling strategies!

Times Tables: This is still vitally important!! Most of the maths curriculum links to pupil knowledge of times tables so it is extremely important to keep those skills sharp! Keep practising - with TTRS! Also, in year 4, children will be sitting the National Multiplication Check Test in the summer term. 

Lexia: Lexia has proven to help children make accelerated progress when reading, writing and speaking. Regular access of this will help children make good progress with their spelling and reading comprehension skills!

Pick and Mix Grid: These grids allow pupils to choose a few activities which particularly interest them and spend the term working on them before bringing them in to share with the class and the rest of the school.