Remote Education Offer
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils, parents, or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home or if national lockdown restrictions are applied.
The Local Authority may advise us to temporarily close to all pupils partially or fully to help control transmission, or the Government may require us to close to all but our vulnerable pupils and the children of critical workers and provide remote education for all other pupils.
At Wenlock CE Academy, our ultimate aim is to try and follow our intended curriculum, whether pupils are in school or working from home. We prefer to provide live lessons that follow the curriculum as closely as possible. These may be live or pre-recorded by school staff. Where appropriate, we will use recorded content from other providers if it enhances our curriculum offer. We may need to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in P.E. or art activities, particular resources may not be available at home.
Our remote education platform is Google Classroom, which all pupils and teachers have received training in. Pupils can access it using the dedicated app (available for all devices) or by signing in from the bottom of this page or the useful links on the school website's opening page. They will use their school email address ( and their password.
We recognise that some students may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those students to access remote education:
- The school will offer laptops to the parents of disadvantaged children first and then to those with barriers preventing them from accessing online learning because of issues with devices.
- Live lessons are recorded to enable families with limited devices to access online learning at a suitable time.
We expect parents to support their children in establishing a remote learning routine that mirrors their school day. Time should be given to lessons, either live or recorded independent work, and break times. We ask that parents provide their children with a workspace that is free from distractions. We expect children to engage in all activities but understand that not all children will be able to participate in every live lesson. All lessons are recorded to enable children to access lessons at a convenient time. We ask that parents to reinforce all the safeguarding protocols the school has in place for the safe use of remote learning.
Teachers will check participation daily and monitor any submitted work. They will contact parents directly if they have concerns about a child’s lack of engagement with lessons or with the quality or quantity of work being completed. Senior leaders monitor participation, engagement, and the quality of learning.